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发表于:[2018-03-22] 来源:web



  The State Administration for Industry and Commerce recently issued "on further promoting the" tube service "take measures to help the development of small and micro enterprises opinions", should begin from the focus of the work, earnestly fulfill the discharge pipe service functions, provide accurate services for Small and micro businesses.


  The implementation of the reform of the commercial system requires small and micro enterprises to facilitate access to the environment. We will actively promote the reform of the "one card for one" reform, optimize the market access, management and exit mechanism, and promote the reform of the whole process of electronic registration, name registration system and the "first photo after card" reform.


  Strengthen the list of small and micro enterprises functions to enhance the accuracy of small and micro enterprises support policy landing. Further improve the social awareness of small and micro enterprises directory; improve small and micro enterprises information sharing mechanism; further expand the analysis of small and micro enterprise directory and service functions, and timely understanding of the survival of small and micro enterprises.


  Strengthen the supervision after the event, and create a market environment for the healthy development of small and micro enterprises. The implementation of the "double random, open a" comprehensive inspection system, the monopoly case vigorously investigate monopoly agreements and abuse of dominant market position, strengthen advertising supervision, strengthen consumer rights, as Small and micro businesses engage in fair competition and create conditions.


  Encourage small and micro enterprises to use trademarks to enhance brand value. Based on the functions of guide Small and micro businesses to enhance brand awareness, improve the trademark registration, use, management and protection ability; against infringement of intellectual property Small and micro businesses and the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises according to law; guide Small and micro businesses use the registered trademark pledge financing.


  In addition, the opinion also proposed to build a pattern of governance, strengthen the training, strengthen the construction of Party organization Small and micro businesses, stimulate the development of new energy Small and micro businesses, the service Small and micro businesses to do better, do, do fine.


  More interesting content, please pay attention to Beijing company registration website:


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